The other day, I took pity on a grapefruit so old and weary that it barely had the energy to roll to another spot in the fruit drawer for a change of scenery.
Even with bedsores on its rind, the elder fruit yielded plenty of juice, so I took pity on my weary self with a cocktail.
A salty dog seemed the fitting fate for such a washed up grapefruit.
I scrapped the salted rim in favor of a less fussy, more equitable distribution.
And, because I can't escape the siren call of St-Germain anymore, I splashed in a half jigger of that too.
She wasn't a looker, but she tasted heavenly.
If only we all got such validation when feeling a little long in the tooth.
Sweet and Salty Dog
Serves 1
- Sizable pinch of kosher salt
- Juice of one (senior) grapefruit
- 1-1/2 oz. vodka
- 1/2 oz. St-Germain
Add salt to an ice-filled glass.
Check to see if the citrus has a living will before squeezing it over the ice, using a reamer to get every last drop.
Add vodka and St-Germain, then stir with gusto until a sip from the spoon reveals that the salt has dissolved and that the result is glorious.